贝博体彩app必去的艺术画廊 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
111米娜画廊 is a performance space, and a gallery—with works within and outside its walls.


Find out how to see the work of up-and-coming San Francisco artists before they make a splash in the art world.

贝博体彩app的创新 艺术 is a major draw for visitors to the City by the Bay, but many don’t know where to start. 画廊 in other cities can seem stuffy, but not in San Francisco. Here's a list of art galleries where you can browse the work and get a look at some of the top talent in the city. 



A staple of the downtown San Francisco art and nightlife scene since 1993, 111年明娜 是4,000-square-foot space that not only hosts exhibits by top local and international artists, 但在晚上也变成了一个酒吧和场所. Ultra-hip and often on the cutting edge of breaking trends, but also devoted to making the 艺术 more social and accessible, 111年明娜 is a fun and friendly place to visit in the day or to grab a cocktail in the evening. 步行即可到达市中心的大多数酒店.



Promoting up-and-coming West Coast talent is the name of the game at Art Attack, a vibrant 卡斯特罗 art gallery that has helped launch the career of several Bay Area artists and is always worth checking out. Art Attack is community oriented and hosts a variety of events throughout the year, 包括全城的快闪艺术展. 上车吧 历史悠久的有轨电车 从市区.


16街3245号. 和阿肯色街一号.工作室E

Showcasing the artistic creations of individuals with developmental disabilities, 创新探索 在城里经营着两家独立的画廊. Besides providing a gallery space where these artists can display and sell their work, 创新探索 also runs several studio training programs where up-and-coming artists can hone their skills. 



The community arts program of this innovative non-profit centers on providing high-quality arts training and other arts programs to thousands of homeless residents of San Francisco. 他们的 中心市场 gallery brings you face to face with creations made by the most vulnerable among us, 提供真正感人的体验. Proceeds from the sale of art at the 好客的房子 go to the respective artists.



塞进贝博体彩app的 唐人街杰西卡·西尔弗曼画廊 is internationally renowned for curating enthralling exhibitions and supporting artists who are particularly relevant to contemporary culture. Works from 杰西卡·西尔弗曼画廊 have been acquired by prestigious museums all over the world, 包括蓬皮杜中心(巴黎), 泰特(伦敦), 索菲亚雷纳(马德里). Pieces from the gallery have also been shown in local legends, including SFMOMA德扬艺术博物馆和伯克利艺术博物馆.



感受一下贝博体彩app的波西米亚艺术氛围 北海滩 在活的虫子, 一个艺术画廊和当地画家的活动空间, photographers and other artists take turns exhibiting their works. This gallery is supremely visitor-friendly and fun to check out. It's walking distance 从市区 or a short ride on the 鲍威尔-梅森缆车.



Home to unique works by some the world’s best-known names in contemporary art, 马丁劳伦斯画廊 is a large 9,000-square-foot space located in 联合广场. You don’t have to be a serious art collector to step inside. 画廊向公众开放,欢迎游客参观. It's a great place to check out museum-quality art in a stylish and comfortable setting.



中途岛画廊 is a large creative complex that features 音乐, 表演艺术, 技术和烹饪艺术, 都在一个屋檐下. 就像中途岛一样, the Gallery creates a stage for emerging to mid-career artists to showcase their talents and to exhibit their work to San Francisco's arts community.



Specializing in fine glass artwork by some of the top artists in the field, the 蒙塔古画廊 当你在的时候,这是一个很好的地方吗 联合广场. 明亮的, 通风,易于操作, 该画廊还展示了精选的绘画和珠宝, 还有陶瓷.



A non-profit powerhouse that has been deeply influential in the San Francisco arts scene since it formed in 2004, 根分区 runs arts education classes and workshops for both emerging artists and young people across the Bay Area. 顺道拜访他们 SoMa gallery to find out more about this “arts ecosystem” and its future projects. 根分区 is walking distance from most downtown hotels.
